InforSense® KDE

InforSense® Knowledge Discovery Environment
InforSense® KDE (Knowledge Discovery Environment) is an integrative analytics platform from InforSense Ltd. It enables rapid and seamless integration of all types of data resources, analytic software tools and applications in an organisation within a single informatics platform. Its unique analytical workflow approach provides end-users with a programming-free environment for creating and delivering their own analytics applications rapidly.

Contribution to SIMDAT
Within SIMDAT, InforSense® KDE is being extended for B2B collaboration within a Grid computing Environment. The extensions include the InforSense® GRID Connectors that are engineered to leverage the flexibility of InforSense® KDE analytical workflows and the high performance, security and scalability features of Grid-based systems. InforSense® GRID Connectors provide efficient and secure mechanisms for enabling large-scale industrial partnerships between independent organisations at different locations. Current applications include B2B collaborations on drug discovery and design between pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, as well as B2B design collaborations between manufactures and suppliers in the automotive and aerospace sectors.

Proprietary software from InforSense provided under commercial licensing agreement to end users.

InforSense Ltd.