Airbus Acoustic Workflow

Aircraft noise is one of the most pervasive sources of environmental noise worldwide, and remarkably little change has been effected in source control in these areas since the start of the problem. It is defined as sound produced by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a flight, on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run-up from propeller and jet exhaust, during takeoff, underneath and lateral to departure and arrival paths, over-flying while en route or during landing.

The overall acoustic simulation process in aircraft design

The acoustic workflow deployment demonstrator of SIMDAT technologies has been carried out by EADS for Airbus. Therefore the process of digital simulation of a product's performance in the preliminary design phase of its life-cycle was used. The major objective of the demonstrator was to showcase new ways of working especially in the way simulation software and data are accessed in order to reduce errors and further reduce development time. The use of SIMDAT distributed workflow technologies is undertaken by simulation services and computing facilities deployed by EADS Innovation Works in Toulouse and Singapore. This demonstrator showed very promising results that will be complemented through an internal project.

The Airbus acoustic team evaluated the demonstrator: 'From an Airbus point of view, this demonstrator shows the added value of the SIMDAT technologies. It was proved a success since it demonstrates a new way of working that would permit the end-users to concentrate on their business without being stuck by IT problems. The workflows can be compared to Russian dolls: once a workflow has been designed it can be used as a single service in order to create new and more complex workflows. The workflow modeller proved to be user-friendly, even if not available as a thin client. Additionally the standard execution across discipline facilitates exchange and reuse.' Deliverable D15.4.4 Evaluation report on Airbus Acoustic Workflow Demonstrator by end-user by end-user